BabyG thanks Papa Luigi for his handmade wooden rattle. It's the goods!
Gotta be a quick typist here. On contraband computer time, as usual. I think they're trying to keep me low, making me use the Linux computer. But I find ways around them. Har-har!
BACK ON TRACK with the blog. Jac is 18 today. I think she's confused by the idea that she should stop being a confused teenager, and be an adult now. Baby, if you know when you don't have the answers, you are already on the way to finding them. We are all a bit lost sometimes. Like, I couldn't think of ways to help you observe a right-of-passage on your birthday, because I just didn't have any creative and meaningful ideas. Suppose I could have greeted you this morning with an electoral enrolment kit. Woo. You don't drink, and neither do I, so we can't observe that ritual. Perhaps today I should have skipped work, and you school, and we should have done that parkour run through the city. Don't know how babyG would have liked being strapped to my back for that. So, in the end, we have done mudcake, Chinese food, end-of-month summaries for me, and homework for you. Ha! We've found it - your path to adulthood, is doing what you are meant to be doing. Oh.
Really, though - so proud of you, No. 1. Happy Birthday.
Took some days off work a couple of weeks ago, and ran every day. Such a luxury. Ran Novice XC on Sat, 17.01 for the 4km. Nearly 2 mins slower than my best of 15.11 for the course, but I did the first 2km in 8.16, and my goal for the run was to break 18min, so - tick! Haven't run since Sun this week, as I have been getting back from work too late. Neither babyG nor I need the aggravation. So the 10km Road may be slow this Sat, but I'll just enjoy the run.
We have matching rattles :-) Charlie loves hers too....except when she whacks herself in the head! I tell her theres no blood so she is ok :-)
Happy birthday to! I can not imagine what it will feel like for Charlie to turn 18- she can stay this size :-) Another non-drinker- yeah!!
hugs xx
No my carrots were a yuck texture as well...I mixed them with some rice cereal and formula and it was a nice apple puree texture which she gobbled up. I had the same problem with the Zucchini...she liked it but it is a funny texture, so I did the same thing. I just use one of those stab blenders that I got for $12 from coles :-)
Ooops that post is from Katie...the computer must have me logged in as Ray!!!
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